A (501)c3 charitable organization.
If you are a Glendale resident who owns a horse,
if your horse is a Glendale resident (even if you are not),
or if you are a Glendale resident who loves the Rancho Equestrian Lifestyle,
please send us an email and enquire about joining us!

Emma regularly rides 'her' horse Koda, carefully supervised by Allen Hicks.
Mission: To protect, preserve and promote the equestrian community in the Glendale Rancho and neighboring areas.
Celebration and support of the unique adjoining equestrian neighborhoods of Glendale, Burbank & Griffith Park, and nearby Atwater Village in Southern California.
Representation of equestrian concerns to the Glendale City Council and other organizations.
Preservation of existing equine zoning and land use, including horse-keeping on residential properties and the commercial equestrian zone.
Emergency Preparedness and other community outreach.

Our board, a few of our members, and local Police Officers discussing equestrian safety

Two members enjoy a ride in Griffith Park, with the Hollywood Sign in the background.

Our Vice President and two more of our Friends In Blue.

With over 4,210 acres of both natural chapparal-covered terrain and landscaped parkland and picnic areas, Griffith Park is one of the largest municipal parks with urban wilderness areas in the US.
It has over 55 miles of trails!

Our latest "State of the Rancho" meeting, with elected officials participating.

When your horses live in your backyard, there's time to ride after work as the sun sets.
Copyright Glendale Rancho Equine Advisory Committee, 2022-24.